Man-Size (man_size) wrote,


"Haspiel described his web comics collective Act-i-Vate as analogues to the musician Prince’s side projects during the “Formerly Known as” years. “The studios were saying, we want an album from you this year, but Prince said, well, I’ve got four albums. The record company can’t promote four albums a year.” Prince then developed his own system in which he could “fully control everything, promote and hype his albums the way he wanted.” For Act-i-Vate creators, Haspiel said, the web presence is a place to create work outside the company system to allow for greater creative freedom and build a fan and professional community. But he doesn’t see web comics completely replacing physical editions. “I prefer the book in my hands. Humans naturally like to covet things—what you like on your screen you also want on your shelf. I don’t think we’re at a place yet where I feel like I own something because it’s online or on my hard drive.”

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